Journal, Military, Politics, Religion

Reclaiming Your Heritage: Gen Z and the New Crusade

Christians today are too soft for their own good. Is this too harsh of a judgement? After all, Christianity is primarily about love, isn’t it? Christians today would not look similar to the Christians of yester-year, especially in terms of their relationship with culture. Christianity used to be the front line against cultural decay and social degeneracy. That’s a bad tasting word, degeneracy. It holds up well today as it ever did. In order to understand what these statements mean begins with understanding the new breeds of Christianity.

Christianity is divided into increasingly complex factions with different doctrines and theological nuances, but the Council of Nicaea decided the ultimate Christian foundations. All Christians must acknowledge that God is triune, equally Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that Jesus Christ was indeed the divine incarnation of the Son.

Beyond these foundations, there is a wide variety of Christian theology in practice. A growing trend in Christianity, especially those which approach mainstream popularity, is cherry-picking Scripture, ignoring doctrines, and forgoing true devotion to Christ in exchange for power.

A growing trend in Christianity, especially those which approach mainstream popularity also tend to cherry-pick Scripture, ignore doctrines, and forgo true devotion to Christ in exchange for power.

Some of these “Progressive Churches” are self proclaimed, i.e. they are willing to acknowledge their deviation from what has been historically normative for Christianity. Others are more covertly progressive about their deviance, but their actions speak louder than their words. One such outspoken progressive church is Church of the Foothills. Among other things, their doctrines include that, among other things:

“[We] Recognize that other people in different cultures and religions have other names for the Divine, and acknowledge that their ways are as true for them as our way is for us; find more grace in the search for truth than we do in certainty, more value in questioning than in dogma; recognize that being followers of Jesus is costly, and entails selfless love, conscientious resistance to evil, and renunciation of privilege.”

Churches dealing in progressivism, whether they realize it or not, have begun the integration process of social Marxism and Christianity. Their dedication to cultural relevance in particular is fatal to Christianity. Put simply, culture should become more like Christ, not vise versa. Paul warned against false teachers in passages like 1 Timothy 6:3-5:

Put simply, culture should become more like Christ, not vise versa.

“If someone spreads false teachings and does not agree with sound words (that is, those of our Lord Jesus Christ) and with the teaching that accords with godliness, he is conceited and understands nothing, but has an unhealthy interest in controversies and verbal disputes. This gives rise to envy, dissension, slanders, evil suspicions, and constant bickering by people corrupted in their minds and deprived of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a way of making a profit.”

These two quotations are drastically different in value. Church of the Foothills outlines a very loose, selective interpretation of Scripture. The church later states that they “do not equate the Bible with the Word of God.” They continue to say that they “take the bible seriously but not always literally.” This runs in stark contrast to Paul’s warnings. These doctrines violate the Sola Scriptura tenet of Christianity that the Scriptures are the inspired word of God.

While not all Protestant denominations ascribe to sola scriptura, through reading the Scripture, ample evidence can be found in favor of sola scriptura. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

Through destroying the legitimacy of Scripture, progressive Christianity means to rewrite the very notions of good and evil.

Progressive interpretations of Scripture are intentional about downplaying the weight of what Scripture actually says. If it is not inspired, it cannot be law; and if it cannot be law, it cannot function as a foundation. Through destroying the legitimacy of Scripture, progressive Christianity means to rewrite the very notions of good and evil.

Social Marxism is a key element in progressivism, and Christianity is no exception. In my article about political correctness, I outlined the subversive origins of PC culture. It aims to destroy the Judeo-Christian fabric of western society. Attacking Christianity itself through the church is one such way of subverting western culture.

Other churches are less verbal about their progressive beliefs, but through a slow frog-in-the-pot process, they undo the orthodox meanings of scripture and people’s firm beliefs of Christianity, in favor of a politically correct adaptation thereof. This desire for political correctness manifests itself as an embrace for degeneracy. Christians MUST oppose themselves to degeneracy in the days ahead if they are to continue enjoying the fruit of this nation.

That seems like a hateful sentiment, and opposed even to Christianity itself, as a religion of grace, forgiveness, and charity. But as any seasoned Christian has heard, there is a difference between hating the sin and hating the sinner. Sinners are entitled to grace, but the effect of sin on culture is abhorrent. The Canaanite culture in the book of Joshua was abhorrently evil. They sacrificed their children to Moloch and Baal, they celebrated evil, and they were seen as vile by their neighbors and by the nation of Israel. God’s commandment for the Israelites in the book of Joshua was simple: stop the evil practices in Canaan and reclaim their promised land.

Sinners are entitled to grace, but the effect of sin on culture is abhorrent.

The book of Joshua is complicated because, if the nature of God is constant as Christians believe, then why does a God of love command the conquest of a people? The simple answer is because these people were occupying a land that was promised to the Israelites, and filling it with blasphemous atrocities. A further analysis of the context in the Canaanite conquest by Andy Patton from L’Abri concludes that the Israelites did not bloodily massacre all the population centers of Canaan, but focused mostly on military cities, spared certain tribes altogether, and were perpetually open to a Canaanite surrender, although it never came.

Joshua’s campaign was to end the reign of degenerate culture and practices, and secure the Lord’s promised land.

Christianity has in the past functioned similarly. In medieval Europe, Christianity was a force for keeping culture pure. There are exceptions as with any system in history, but the general outcome was a society that above all was rooted in a biblical of right and wrong. Chivalry and justice were a code by which most righteous knights were bound. Chivalrous knights are not just fiction; they were soldiers dedicated to protecting the innocent, many times alongside a dedication to the Christian faith. The middle ages in Europe were unorganized and chaotic times, but through a religious dedication to right and wrong, Christians oversaw the rise of European prominence. The Church helped cultivate communities, knights were sworn to protect the faith and the commoner, and the result was the Judeo-Christian fabric that held and holds all of western society together.

The Church helped cultivate communities, knights were sworn to protect the faith and the commoner, and the result was the Judeo-Christian fabric that held and holds all of western society together.

The Holy Crusades are the culmination of Christian military order coupled with dedication to protect the innocent. While the crusades constantly get a bad rap from modern secular scholars, they were initially designed as an attempt to secure Jerusalem, protect Christian heritage, and rescue Christian peasants who were suffering the occupation of Turkish barbarians. The ‘Saracen’ occupiers as they were called, were cruel and bloodthirsty. The First Crusade and most of the subsequent crusades were certainly also bloody, but in attempt to end a vile occupation of formerly Christian lands.

Moreover, in the manner of Joshua, the Crusaders carried on a Christian tradition of boldly designating certain issues as degenerate and fighting to protect virtue, goodness, and innocence. Several crusades towards the end of the era were glorified treasure hunts, but these were minor compared to the initial attempts and successes at liberating ‘Christendom.’

If by this point your conclusion is that I am calling for a bloody military campaign by which Christians take over the west, then you are sorely mistaken.

If by this point your conclusion is that I am calling for a military campaign by Christians to take over the west, then you are sorely mistaken; nor am I calling for a new extremist faction of Christianity which segregates itself from the rest of society and preaches jean-jumper teetotalism. Why should Christians run from a culture that was founded, cultivated, and kept by Christians in years past?

Instead, in this time of extreme moral degeneration in western culture, Christians must cease being so passive and docile. There must emerge a new “hardline Christianity” which boldly designates evil and degeneracy as opposed to goodness. Christians must even in the face of being called extremists and bigots defend what is good. Christians must decry the pornographic depiction of minors in Netflix’s Cuties. Christians must revolt against the needless murder of forty million unborn children. Christians must not think like passivists. “It’s your life not mine” is a fine excuse for a while, but every step towards evil must either be undone or allowed.

Allowing evil to manifest because it does not directly affect Christians only works until it is so powerful that it seeks to destroy Christianity. Laissez-Faire Christianity ultimately ends in cultural usurpation, as is happening today.

Laissez-Faire Christianity ultimately ends in cultural usurpation, as is happening today.

The word degenerate evokes emotions of unease. It is a powerful word, with strong connotations. It denotes something as undesirable, bad for business. Western culture is becoming degenerate. Through the slow oozing of subversive dissemination, evil grows stronger and bolder every day. Listen to WAP by Cardi B (the #3 song on the US Music Billboard at the time of writing) without thinking of the word degenerate. (But be prepared for the pornographic lyrics. Maybe on second thought don’t listen if you are easily upset by absolutely disgusting utterances.)

Christians must reclaim their heritage as pillars of virtue, as the cultivators of the west, and as the front line against degeneracy. Christians should abide by a two edged sword: loving the sinner because all have fallen short and need Christ’s grace, and hating the degenerate sin that threatens to undermine everything that they hold dear. If unopposed, degeneracy will ultimately devour the whole of the west, and Christians along with it.

Christians are beneficiaries of God’s love, and it is their duty to share God’s love with the world. They often forget, however that there is also a calling to righteous anger at a situation. Jesus made a whip and overturned tables after his father’s house was filled with charlatans. He never stopped loving his children, but he routed out their corruption.

We must do the same. Love the sinner; abhor the sin. Reclaim the Christian heritage; rally against degeneracy.

Love the sinner; abhor the sin. Reclaim the Christian heritage; rally against degeneracy.

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